Thank you for your interest in submitting to Lycan Valley Press Publications. Submissions are only accepted via our submissions portal at Duosuma and only during the posted reading times. Unsolicited manuscripts, including those sent outside of designated reading windows, will not be considered.
Current open calls will be announced on our website and posted in our Lycan Valley Community. Please see our general guidelines below before submitting.
*** Lycan Valley will NOT accept submissions written with AI or assisted by AI software and may permanently ban authors who submit AI generated material ***
LVP Publications publishes horror, dark fiction, thrillers, steampunk and pulp fiction with supernatural, paranormal, psychological or occult elements. Unless otherwise stated in the specific project guidelines, submissions must fit into one of these categories and include at least one element.
All submissions must be written in the English language. American English, British English, Canadian English, Australian English and other forms of English are accepted as long as the usage is accurate and consistent throughout the manuscript. Lycan Valley Editorial may ask for clarification if necessary.
Submit all files via the submission portal as an .rtf file or .pages file and formatted following the Shunn Manuscript format unless otherwise stated in the specific project guidelines with the exceptions noted below.
Submit all files via the submission portal as an .rtf file or .pages file and formatted following the Shunn Manuscript format unless otherwise stated in the specific project guidelines with the exceptions noted below.
Properly set margins, use paragraph indent settings rather than the Tab key (never use the TAB key for paragraph indents) and always underline italics.
Please note: You MUST include headers with your last name, the story title and page numbers. Submissions sent without these headers will be declined and returned unread.
Anthology submissions are generally read blind. Unless otherwise stated, do not include identifying information (author name or contact information) anywhere on the document file including headers, footers, byline, file name, etc. These can be included in the text box section. Documents containing personally identifying information may be returned for revision or declined unread.
Designate scene breaks with ### or *** centered, with a blank line above and below. Do not use numbers or blank lines alone for scene breaks.
Anthology submissions are generally read blind. Unless otherwise stated, do not include identifying information (author name or contact information) anywhere on the document file including headers, footers, byline, file name, etc. These can be included in the text box section. Documents containing personally identifying information may be returned for revision or declined unread.
Designate scene breaks with ### or *** centered, with a blank line above and below. Do not use numbers or blank lines alone for scene breaks.
No multiple submissions unless specifically requested in the submission guidelines. Do not submit more than one story per submission call unless invited to resubmit.
No simultaneous submissions. If you submit to us, please wait for our decision before submitting elsewhere. During our review process, we often short-list stories for inclusion and withdrawing your submission creates unnecessary work for our editorial team and no reprints unless specified in the submission guidelines.
Unless stated in the specific project guidelines, unsolicited reprints are not accepted.
Email questions regarding open submissions or submission guidelines to Submissions (dot) LVP (at) outlook (dot) com. Please do not email to inquire if we received your submission or the status of your submission. These notices will appear through the submission portal.
Open call anthologies will post specific submission guidelines — including theme, word count requirements and deadlines — on the LVP Publications blog and submission portal. Unless otherwise stated, all of our anthologies are themed. Please do not submit stories that are clearly unrelated to the theme or do not meet other requirements.
Please read the guidelines for each submission call carefully. Poetry is not accepted unless stated in the project guidelines. Submissions not properly formatted or that do not fall within the stated word count are likely to be rejected unread.
Single-author collections require a minimum of 50,000 words. We generally ask that a minimum of half the word count be from previously published works, with a minimum of three previously unpublished stories. Works should cohere around a common theme.
At this time, we are not accepting unsolicited single-author collections. However, interested authors may find open pitch times via the submission portal and Lycan Valley blog should they open.
Stand-alone novellas must be between 17,000 and 35,000 words. These novellas should be in one of our primary genres and meet specified subject requirements. Public novella pitches open periodically and can be found via the submission portal during open reading times. We do not accept unsolicited novellas except during our open pitch sessions.
Novels totaling at least 50,000 words are considered for serialization. Complete novels must meet our genre and subject requirements and be structured in such a way as to be published in serialized installments. Public pitches for novel serializations open periodically and can be found via the submission portal during open reading times. We do not accept unsolicited novels except during our open pitch sessions.
LVP Publications occasionally publishes poetry as part of an anthology or as a stand-alone project. Check the specific project guidelines for the inclusion of poetry and please do not submit poetry to an anthology that does not clearly request poetry.
When formatting poetry, use single space formatting with an extra space between stanza breaks, left justified, no odd formatting (such as those written to create a specific shape) and no single word lines (with the exception of properly formatted Haiku).
Artwork for LVP Publication is generally commissioned by the project editors for interior artwork and cover art. Occasionally, we may open artwork submissions for specific projects, although this is rare and will likely include Darkling Around the World, Lycan Valley Teen Unleashed and certain poetry projects only.
Lycan Valley is committed to promoting and showcasing artists, however, we do not consider AI generated artwork as a valid creative form and will not use AI generated artwork. Submitting or attempting to pass off AI generated artwork will result in being banned from working with Lycan Valley.
All submissions must be formatted following the Shunn Manuscript format. Specific details on formatting are found here:
If you don't want to format everything manually, you can download the formatted Word template free here:
Genre definitions and other terms often vary slightly in meaning. For submission purposes, LVP Publications uses the following definitions.
MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS: One author sending more than one submission to the same open call or project.
SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: An author sending the same manuscript to more than one publisher before receiving a response or decision.
UNSOLICITED: Any manuscript not specifically requested by the publisher or editor or not submitted during an open submission call.
REPRINT: Any manuscript that has been previously published by another publisher, self-published by the author, posted on a website or otherwise made available to the public. This includes publications with limited reach and out-of-print publications.
HORROR: With the intent to scare and terrify through fear, shock or disgust, including internal and external horror, splatterpunk (not to be confused with extreme horror, see Splatter vs Extreme below), psychological horror, etc.
DARK FICTION: Includes dark fantasy and quiet horror, relying on mood and atmosphere more than graphic horror to cause fear.
THRILLER: Involves an imminent outside threat to society. The intense suspense and action is focused on preventing the threat before it occurs.
PULP FICTION: Involves an internal threat or threat to a specific person that has already occurred. The intent is not to prevent the threat, but to solve the problem. Pulps range from graphic pulp horror to all out hard-boiled detective. See Writing Pulp Fiction below.
SUPERNATURAL ELEMENTS: Supernatural elements include werewolves, vampires, wendigos, demons, zombies, other supernatural creatures, supernatural powers/abilities, etc.
PARANORMAL ELEMENTS: Paranormal elements include ESP, telekinesis, clairvoyance, possessions, mind control, ghosts, hauntings, mysticism, psychic abilities, etc.
OCCULT ELEMENTS: Occult elements include witchcraft, wizardry, magick, sorcery, black magick, white magick, voodoo, etc.
PSYCHOLOGICAL ELEMENTS: Psychological elements refers specifically to the main character's disturbed human psyche and, ideally, felt by the reader. Psychological disturbances occur more as a result of mental functioning and perception rather than supernatural or paranormal occurrences.
Keep in mind that pulp doesn't mean poorly written. If you're new to writing pulp, are unfamiliar with the original pulp magazines and stories, or you've never heard of Pulp Fiction (no, we're not referring to the movie with John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson here), we suggest taking the time to familiarize yourself with some of the older pulps and methods.
This pulp archive will get you started (warning: reading on this site may be highly addictive):
Also, check out Black Mask Magazine:
James Scott Bell talks about writing pulp:
Lester Dent, the creator of Doc Savage, came up with a formula — or master plot — to help structure any 6,000 word pulp story, regardless of genre. View and print the The Lester Dent Pulp Paper Master Fiction Plot here:
These two syllable counters and poetry line counters will save you time and come in handy for all types of poetry.
Splatterpunk vs Extreme:
To get a good idea of what splatterpunk is and is not, as well as why it's not the same as extreme horror, we highly recommend watching:
John Skipp on Splatterpunk —
Craig Spector on Splatterpunk —
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